How are our young children doing? Community profiles of early childhood development in Alberta report has been broken down into sections and linked separately to make it easier to download the information. The report is made up of three sections: Introduction, Community profiles and Appendices.
The report was updated in June 2014 and contains a few changes from the version released in April 2014. The version you find here is the most current version. If you received the print and keystick version of the report that was released in April 2014, you will want to make the following updates:
- print out the updated page I-20 of the Introduction.
- update the USB stick using the following instructions.
Additional tools
The following materials have been developed to help coalitions and communities interpret and understand the data in the report:
- a PowerPoint presentation: Understanding your community early development profile​​​.
- a fact sheet, FAQs about community early childhood development results: fact sheet
The Introduction contains information to help you understand the findings of the report, including the Early Development Instrument (EDI), socio-economic status and community resources. It also contains an overview of Alberta results. Download​.
For an earlier Acrobat Reader version of the Introduction, click here.
*​Please note, if you have an April 2014 print version of the Introduction, you will want to update
page I-20.
Community profiles
Profiles of 100 early childhood development communities in Alberta have been prepared. The profiles include baseline EDI results (collected between 2009 and 2013), socio-economic and demographic information and lists and maps of community resources.
The appendices provide additional information to help understand and interpret results.
Appendix A: School authorities by EDI waves (collection years), round 1 and 2
Appendix B: EDI frequencies by community and subcommunity
Appendix C: Communities by school authorities by EDI waves
Appendix D: EDI frequencies for sex and mean age by community
Appendix E: Mean scores of the SEI and its factors for the province, communities and subcommunities
Appendix F: Categories of SES factors by community
Appendix G: Community resources: frequency by category​​​​​
For an earlier Acrobat Reader version of the appendices
​Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G​​​​​​