​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Some materials are available in French as well as in English.
Certains de ces matériaux sont disponibles en français.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Steps appeared five times a year (September, November, January, March and May). The newsletter provided:
- project updates,
- news about early childhood development (ECD) coalitions in Alberta,
- information about early childhood development, and
- links to resources, organizations, research and events.
The first issue was published in November 2010. The final issue appeared in January 2015.
- ECMap Newsletter January 2015
- ECMap Newsletter Fall 2014
- ECMap Newsletter Summer 2014
- ECMap Newsletter Spring 2014
- ECMap Newsletter Winter 2014
You can view all archived newsletters here
This brochure explains why the early years are important and what the Early Child Development (ECD) Mapping Initiative is about - in both English and French.
- Getting the right start to a good future: How can Albertans work together to help our young children reach their potential? (2010)
- Prendre un bon départ pour préparer un bel avenir: Travaillons ensemble pour aider nos enfants à développer leur potential!
Fact Sheets
English and French versions of ECMap fact sheets are available.
- Baseline EDI results set for Alberta
- Discovering your early childhood development community assets information sheet
- À la découverte des atouts du développement de la petite enfance (DPE) de votre communauté : Fiche d’information
- Discover your early childhood development (ECD) community assets: A tool kit for coalitions in Alberta
- Découvrez vos atouts communautaires pour le développement de la petite enfance (DPE) : Trousse à l’intention des coalitions de l’Alberta
- The Early Development Instrument (EDI) and how it's being used in Alberta
- L’instrument de mesure du développement de la petite enfance (IMDPE) et son application en Alberta
- FAQs about community early childhood development results
- Getting the message across about early childhood development
- Harvesting the wisdom of coalitions: Review highlights
- How communities can support healthy early childhood development
- Comment les communautés peuvent-elles appuyer le développement sain de la petite enfance?
- Investing in early childhood development: What's the payoff?
- Why early childhood development matters
- Pourquoi le développement de la petite enfance est-il important?
You may download and use these articles
- ABCs of Early Literacy
- L’ABC de la littératie chez les jeunes enfants : ce que tout parent, gardien d’enfants ou éducateur doit savoir
- 8 things you should know about early development
- Huit choses que tout le monde devrait savoir au sujet du développement de la petite enfance
- Making smart choices about digital technology
- Les jeunes enfants à l’heure des technologies numériques : faire des choix intelligents
- Playing outside in Mother Nature keeps our children and planet healthy
- Power of play: 6 things you should know
- Le pouvoir du jeu : Six choses que vous devriez savoir
- Self-regulation puts children, caregivers in the driver's seat
You may download and use these PowerPoint presentations. Please note Building a brain - building a life may only be downloaded in a read-only version and may not be altered.
- Building a brain - building a life
- Comment les jeunes enfants s’en sortent - ils dans les communautés albertaines?
- How are Alberta's young children doing? What the research tells us
- Understanding your community early development profile
You may download and use these reports.​
- How are our young children doing? Final report of the Early Child Development Mapping Project
- Harvesting the Wisdom of Coalitions: A Study of the Sustainability of Coalitions in Alberta
- Special Needs Report